Chapter 75 - Blood Shadows

Miles stood there, staring after Deana as an elderly gentleman dragged her away. Was that really Walt Abbington? After all these years? How did I not put it together before? He placed his pale hand on his forehead as he stared at their departing backs. He never even thought to question if Deana Abbington was related to the man he served with in the Korean War. He should have questioned it, though, but he spent so much time trying to put that period of his life out of his mind, it didn’t even register. Thousands of people had the last name Abbington.

He sighed, glancing behind him. An unknown vampire behind me and a painful past in front of me. I think I need a drink. He gave a sad shake of his head as he continued down the sidewalk. A minute later, he slid into Thirst Bar, crossing the wooden floor to slip onto a barstool.

Webster Waterhouse leaned on a section of bar in front of Miles, his business smile fixed in place. “What’re you drinking?”

Miles shrugged. “Bloody Mary.”