Chapter 91 - Blood Shadows

“You’re going to help us?” Miles stared at Walt, his panic shifting to confusion. As much as he hated thinking it, when Walt picked up the crossbow, Miles feared the older man would use it on him and Lothaire. The fact Walt now wanted to help them rescue Raelinn was the last thing Miles expected from the other man.

“From the way it sounds, you’re going to need all the help you can get,” Walt said, lowering the crossbow to his side. “They’ve threatened my granddaughter, as well as killed one of my best friends. The bastards need to pay for that.”

Miles felt the smile slip across his face, as he stared at his friend. One of my best friends.

“While I appreciate the gesture, I think it’s just as bad of an idea as taking Deana with us,” Lothaire said, as he moved over to the trunk of weapons, pulling some out and stuffing them into a duffel bag. “The rogues are still stronger as well as faster. They’d be on you before you could press the trigger on that thing.”