Chapter 95 - Blood Shadows

Miles snuggled against Deana, her bare body warm against his cold flesh. He couldn’t believe she was there in his bed, couldn’t believe he had his best friends back in his life once more. They had fixed her doors to secure the house, but there was still plenty of damage that needed repaired before she could live in it comfortably again. Pascal and Toussaint had offered to do it, and Miles was quick to offer his house for the others to stay until it was done. Of course, that meant he got to spend more time with Deana, a benefit on which he planned on taking full advantage.

At first, Walt and Deana said they could stay at Daydreamer Inn, but for some reason Sandie had been hard to get a hold of lately. They had asked Basgi about it, but the brownie just grumbled that the Sandman spent more and more time lost in his own dreams these days. Finally, everyone agreed Miles’s offer was the best solution and even Ralph hung around to keep the reunion going.