(Sayuri POV)
"Mama, mom! Come here quickly! I have great news." I yelled from downstairs, seconds later they both got downstairs
"What happened?" Mama asked, of course, she didn't know what happened so I showed her the rings in our while holding Jiro's hand "You did it!!! Tell us everything!"
(Lots of time later)
"Then when the song stopped, I confessed in the microphone, and Jiro walked over to the stage, the curtains closed and I told everything I felt for her, then I kissed her!" I told everything sparing no details, the enthusiasm in my voice was contagious, causing both mommies to be even more excited than myself,
"That's great! I would love to hear more, but your mother and I are going to the supermarket right now. Well, see you later" They both quickly departed and drove away
"Well.... what do we do now? I-I mean we're completely alone" I said with an embarrassed tone "C-can I kiss you again?"
Her face turned red as she stared at me "You don't need to ask" We pecked each other's lips, with time it got slightly more intense, and when things were about to get nice her phone suddenly rang
'What kind of fucking cliche is this!?' I thought with anger,
Jiro picked up her phone quickly "H-hey mom" she did a small pause to hear whatever her mother was saying and spoke disappointing words "Sorry, I gotta go home, my mother just called me. I'll make up for it this week, we have one year without school so we can do lots of things together in this mid-time"
(A.N. I kinda made my school system, they have their normal classes till they're like 15 and then a one year vacation before high school)
"*sighs* Sure, maybe we can go to Anime Expo next month, now I'm not sure which day it is going to take place, but if I am not mistaken it's at the beginning of February. Wanna go with me?" As Jiro stood up and grabbed her small purse
"Sure, I'm not fond of anime tho, but if it is for you I'll go," She said kindly as she bowed and pecked me on the lips
"Aw, that's so cute, are you sure you can't stay a bit more?"
"I know right? Unfortunately, I can't, you know how my mother is"
I let out a light sigh "I know, I know, it's no biggie, as you said we can just go on a fate next week" I quickly smuggled a hug and laid her on the sofa, and as blessed as I am the position we fell was comfortable "Gotcha!
"Bye Bye Jiro" As the gentlewoman I am, I accompanied her to the door "By the way, want me to walk you home?"
"There's no need, my father is coming to pick me up, look over there, that's him" she pointed to her father's car while it parked in front of us
"Afternoon, girls. Hurry up Jiro, you know how your mother is"
Before getting inside the car Jiro gave me a quick kiss and left...
"Aw man, what should I do now? Play something maybe? I still need to beat The Radiance and the Pantheon of Hollownest... Gaaaaah but that thing is so fucking hard!! Beat every single boss of the game in a row just to get wrecked but the Pure Vessel and The Radiance, sometimes I can't even get past Nightmare King Grimm... Let me see if there are any other games" After Jiro left I simply sat on my chair and turned on my console (Ps5), and after binging through some games.
After some time I finally decided what I was going to play "Oh yes, my true mentor, my guiding moonlight, Bloodborne, the best game Fromsoftware made (Yes it is). You know what? I'm going to do a speedrun of this game, let's see..." I quickly got my phone and checked what is the world record for it, and the results astonished me "22 MINUTES!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?"
Normally, that would make people give up, but not me *Menacing Intensifies* 22 minutes is using glitches, meaning I could also use glitches, which means I can go even faster!!!!!!
Diverting my attention off my thoughts, I open Bloodborne, get the live stream, and the timer on "The run is on, it's time to break a world record, baby" (Pillar Man Theme Intensifies)
(Pillar Man Theme Ends)
(Kars Theme Intensifies)
Father Gascoigne, Vicar Amelia, Shadows of Yharnam, Rom, The Vacuous Spider, The One Reborn, Micolash, Host of The Nightmare, Mergo's Wet Nurse, and finally, the game is over.
There's only one little problem, performing the glitches and killing bosses perfectly so I don't die and kill my speedrun.
As I created my character I picked the best origin possible for a speedrun and immediately began to run. Ignoring the werewolf and the items, I open the door, grab some Molotov, activate the lever to the stairs, and light the lamp to go inside the hunter's dream so I can finally pick my weapons.
With my Saw cleaver and Hunter's Pistol in hand, I continue my adventure. In these few minutes, lots of people entered the live stream, which I thought was odd but paid little attention to it.
For the time I left Yharnam streets and arrived at Father Gascoigne even more viewers entered and we all had pretty nice interactions.
A few seconds passed and I successfully murdered that religious furry, now it was time to Vicar Amelia, but first I had to do a couple of things.
Lighting the lamp I again enter the Hunter's Dream. Use the workbench to upgrade my Saw Cleaver and interact with the messengers and buy the Hunter's Emblem.
After some very gruesome turns and alleys I finally arrive at the other Religious Super Furry lies, why add the word "Super" you ask, well Father Gascoigne was an infected human that mid-battle turned into a furry nearly getting half of his height taller, but Amelia is different. She was also a human (nun) that turns into a big ass furry that is like 10 times her height.
Thankfully all beasts in this game share a common weakness to fire, so it is like they say "Fire goes brrrrrr"
With the fire going crazy I finally get the password to the door that blocks the forbidden woods...
To be continued
Read the author's note