Chapter 30

Seeing Gray with another woman-or girl, rather; she couldn't have been more than eighteen or nineteen-shattered what little hope I had held on to. Scarlett and I didn't stay long after running into Gray and Erin. I couldn't handle it. I sat at the table letting the tears streak my face before she finally asked the waiter for our check. Food uneaten, we had left. I kept reminding myself we weren't together, although we had never officially broken up. He did whatever he wanted to do. Yet, I convinced myself that only meant hanging out with his friends, not dating other people-it was all a demented lie I chose to believe. The cushion on the couch had formed around my butt as I sat alone in my apartment. I rested my hand on my little bump and talked to Cole as though he could hear me. I reassured him I loved him, and that he had been conceived in that same emotion. But it was me I was trying to persuade to believe the words.