Chapter 67: Annie

Brett left early the next morning to meet Dan for a basketball tournament at the YMCA. The league they played in held a tournament at the end of every season, and their team typically made it to the finals. This was the semi-finals, and they'd be gone most of the day.

Leaning off the side of the bed, I dug my phone out of my jeans to send him a text wishing him good luck and to tell him I loved him. I'd forgotten about silencing the conversation with Gray until I saw the red notification that glowed on the message app.

Gray: How'd you know I got divorced?

Gray: Never mind. I'm sure Brett told you.

Gray: I guess you're busy. I thought Brett was out of town this weekend and had hoped we could talk.

Gray: Guess not.

Gray: It's been a really hard day. Needed a friend. You're the only person who understands.