Chapter 57

Klein doesn't know what to do in this kind of situation and he can only look at Calix while worrying, especially about this man's cracked eggs

"A-are you alright?" Klein asked worriedly and Calix turned to look at him with eyes burning with rage

"Let me hit your balls and then tell me if you are fine!" Calix replied while wiping the blood in his nose

What Klein did was really a double kill on his part. No man would want their balls to be kicked!

"You don't have to be sarcastic" Klein said in a low unsure voice due to guilt

"And you don't need to hit me where it hurts the most!" Calix replied and he once again shut down Klein's argument that can't help but pout a bit

"I-In my d-defense it's not only my fault. A-and look, y-you even got blood on my bed sheet but I didn't say anything!"