Chapter 111

"Okay, your point being?" Klein asked while raising his brows and Kayden smiled at him

"When we were still kids, everything was simple. We would only have a problem of what bedtime story we want to hear before going to bed"

"As we grow older, a lot of things have influence us. In the end, we take most simple things and turned them into complicated things"

"Look at that little kid, she oversimplified things. I mean yeah, she was young and naive but just because we are older doesn't mean we have to make things complicated, right?"

Kayden explained and Klein sank in a deep thought. He somehow think that Kayden was right but it's not easy for him acknowledge it

After all, Klein don't want to see the important people in his life worried for him all because some random straight guy broke his heart

Klein want to be as far as possible from the stereotypes that gay people has

"I-I... I don't know" Klein said in a low voice