Chapter 65: Memories in Lyme Belle

For once, Lars was happy to be proven wrong. He did return to Lyme Belle Theatre, and it had turned to be livelier than ever. Some mythfolks refugee of Mt. Alnath filled the vacant rooms there. Clops of centaurs' hooves echoed across the grand hall along with buzzing laughter of merry pixies.

"Good to see you again, young Scion."

Vorpaltinger glided down from the balcony. Her strong flap of wings made a distinct echo across the theatre. She was wearing more modern clothes by then, trading her tribal dress with black crop top and denim shorts. Although her elegant black stilettos looked like a clash to her casual attire, Lars realized upon closer look that Vorpaltinger's feet was naturally pointed, like that of a rabbit, so the stilettos compensated her feet's shape.

"Ah hello, Vorpaltinger is it? Good to see you again too." Lars smiled to the therianthrope before looking around. "Where's Mell?"