In the skies that were filled with monsters, a young man flew carrying a maid in blue. Lars was focused on avoiding the Chimeras while Wilhelmina did all the attacking. Her Cocytus Claws were equipped, and every time she opened her palm, an icicle shard shot out and always struck the approaching enemies.
Lars tried his very best to not look down and saw the disastrous scene below. Fires and smokes were everywhere. People were screaming and clamoring for safety, only to found the alien beasts tore through their homes. There were many times Lars wanted to swoop in and respond to every cries for help, but he knew he couldn't.
"The hell is going on? Is this because of... me?"
Wilhelmina shook her head. "As the Mistress said, they know that they're running out of time. They would've done this either way."