Chapter 17


Thirty more minutes into this twelve-hour shift and I get to go home and see Stelle. Menace and I are making one last lap around town, before Nick comes on to relieve me, when I get behind a vehicle with expired tags. It’s such a small mistake, most of the time it’s because people either don’t have the money to get it done, or they just overlook it. Most law enforcement will tell you though, this is how you sometimes catch the worst criminals.

“You gonna stop him?” Menace asks as I see the expired date.

It’s my call and I’m completely aware of that. Even though Menace is my superior he will totally respect my decision. Something in my gut tells me to pull this car over, and I’ve always trusted my gut. Keying my radio, I give dispatch the plate number, let them know there are three occupants, and wait to see if anything comes back on the plate.