I’m in a damn good mood this afternoon as I make my way along the streets of Laurel Springs. It rained overnight, cooling it down slightly. I have no doubt that it’ll warm back up in no time. But I’m feeling good about Stelle and I. Maybe I should have made sure she heard me last night, maybe I should have woken her up and professed my undying love to her, but I didn’t. I’ve never told another woman besides my mom I love them, and I’m scared of rejection. Even if I don’t think there will be one.
We spent some quality time together before I had to come on-shift, and I’m relaxed as I’m gonna be. I even gave the first two speeding stops I made warnings. Nobody can say Ransom Thompson isn’t fair today.
As I get in behind a SUV, they swerve slightly. Okay, I’ll give them one. But then they swerve two more times, and I know immediately I need to run the plates. Something tells me I need to.
“Dispatch, I need you to run this plate.”