It’s been a full seven days since the last time I saw Nick. He hasn’t answered my messages, but I keep sending them, because I want him to know someone cares about him. It’s not in me to give up on someone, so I keep trying. Trying to chisel away at the rough exterior around his heart, hoping he’ll let me in. All it takes is one fracture, I’ll seep in, warm him, show him what a life would be like with the two of us together. It wouldn’t always be perfect, but every day Nick would know someone loves him. Someone would wait for him to come home every night.
K: I hope you’re having a good day. Not stalking or anything, but I know you’re working days this week. Maybe we could see each other one night? I miss my friend, more than anything, Nick. I miss my friend. Please tell me we didn’t screw up what we had together. Please.