Chapter 60


“Hey, I’m leaving for work,” I hear the whispered voice of Kelsea.

“Yeah?” I answer, trying desperately to wake myself up. “What time is it?”

“Five-thirty,” she answers, as she goes to the closet, bends down, and comes back over to the bed. She has a seat, as she goes about putting her shoes on. “Remember, I have an early shift today because we’re doing the free clinic? You have to get Darren to school for me.”

Typically she gets him off to school and I pick him up. We’ve settled into a nice routine, and so far things have been working well. The problem with today is, I just got off-shift at three. “What time do I have to wake him up?” I yawn as I push myself up onto my hand.

“Six-twenty,” she answers, reaching in to muss my hair. “You have to leave here by seven to get him there on time, so don’t let him jerk you around.”

“Will he do that?”