Chapter 67


If the bullet that hit me didn’t kill me, physical therapy sure as hell will. The therapist they’ve given me is sadistic. Now I know why Ransom was such a little bitch when he was rehabbing. I might owe him an apology or two.

“Come on, Nick, one more set,” she encourages me in this all too peppy voice. “I know you have one more in you.”

I want to tell her to shut the fuck up, but at the same time, I’m struggling with not being on the job. I badly want to be back in my squad car, riding the roads and taking lunch with Ransom. If I ever want to be allowed to do that again, she has to sign off on it.

When I have absolutely nothing else left to give, she claps her hands. “That’s it for today, Nick.”

I’m breathing heavily, wishing it didn’t take so much out of me to do PT, but it does. I’m so weak compared to where I was a few months ago, but I’m also better than I was a few weeks ago. “See you in a few days.” I wave as I use a towel to dry off my wet hair.