“What are we doing out here?”
We’re in the truck, enjoying some time to ourselves. I thought we were going to breakfast, but he’s driving to his shop, it looks like. My gaze lingers on the console, where our fingers are entwined. It’s easy with him now, which I never thought it would be. Almost losing the love of your life does that. It makes you see things in a different light, encourages you to quit setting the small shit and forces you to appreciate the little moments. Our little moments are my favorite.
“I have to grab something I made for the baby.” He carefully puts the tires of the truck into the ruts that have been made.
“When are you guys going to get some blacktop out here? It’s crazy how much time all y’all spend out here, but you don’t fix the road.”
He lets go of my hand, shoving the truck into four-wheel-drive and grins as he guns it, to get over a mountain of mud. “Maybe we like to drive it without blacktop.”