Chapter 119


There’s not much open in town right now. Most of the stores and restaurants will take months, maybe even years to recover, if they even do. One place that always weathers the storm is Shucker’s, a family-owned barbecue joint.

It started as a little roadside spot, and in times of uncertainty, they revert back. It allows them to get food to people who need it, while still putting money into the community by paying others to work for them.

The parking lot is packed as I slow down, finding an empty space on the outskirts of the gravel. Grabbing my wallet and cellphone, I get out of the car, lock my doors, and go to where the line is extended. Looks like many people had the same idea I did.

The group standing in line looks around as they wait. My high school English teacher sees me, and throws back a wave. “Hi Ro, thank you so much for helping at the apartment building. One of my fellow teachers was there and said how much they appreciated you.”