Glancing over at Cutter, I memorize his features. Unsure if we’ll be able to make the long-distance thing work. I’m willing to give it a shot. What I’m not willing to do is let him leave here tonight without having him. If it’s my only shot, I want to take it. Have to take it. It’ll be something I regret for the rest of my life if I don’t.
I already have enough regrets and what if’s. I can’t let this be another one. I’m standing against the railing of the balcony, smirking. He wants me, I can see it in his eyes, can tell by the way his body’s tightened, the tent at the crotch of his shorts.
Everything says he wants me, and I want him just as badly. He slowly walks over to me, a swagger I’ve rarely seen in real life. Never thought I’d see walking toward me on a warm moonlit night in September on the Alabama coast, that’s for damn sure. I grip the railing, using it to keep me from reaching out to him, and standing up.
“You’re fuckin’ beautiful.”