“Thank you for volunteering to work Valentine’s Night,” Nick says as we start the shift-change. “We would’ve made it work, the way we always have, but it’s nicer when I can be home with the wife and kiddos, ya know?”
I don’t, but I pretend like I do. “I’m sure they all appreciate it.”
Nick grins. “And I appreciate when they go to bed, just leaving me and my blushing bride to do whatever we want.”
Rolling my eyes, I grab a cup of the worst coffee known to man.
Welcome to Laurel Springs Police Department.
“Dude, don’t remind me you’re married, and have a woman to sleep next to you, and all that good stuff.”
“What’s up with you and Shelby?”
His southern accent makes her name almost two words. Shell Bee.
“Didn’t you take her home from the Christmas Party?”
Steeling myself, I sip some of the sludge, grimacing as I force it down. “Just because I took her home doesn’t mean something happened.”