Chapter 169


“Domestic at thirty-five sixteen Laurel Court.”

I groan when dispatch comes over the radio with the address. Third time in the past month we’ve been called to this place.

“Neighbors are calling saying white male with no shirt on and a pair of jeans is beating a white woman in the front yard of the home. They’ve tried to intervene, but he’s got a knife.”

Immediately my adrenaline surges. The man at this home has been escalating, and I’m honestly surprised it’s taken him this long.

“Show me as responding,” I radio in.

“Me too.” Nick’s voice on the other end gives me a glimmer of hope. We’re both big guys and possibly together we can take him down.

Flipping on my lights and sirens, I press the pedal on my Charger, feeling it respond underneath me. It doesn’t have the same loud motor my Mustang does, but it has a lot of get up and go. While a huge part of me wants to race through the streets going as fast as I can, another part knows I have to be as safe as possible.