Chapter 176


“Frank was notified yesterday by certified mail.”

Montana gapes, her mouth wide open. “She gave all this money to me?”

“She did.” I nod, watching as she looks at the will I wrote for Mrs. Haley. “She knew what kind of a situation you were in. It was her last wish for you to have this and to get away from him.”

Tears trail down her cheeks. “She knew. This whole time?”

“From what I understand she did.”

“He’s going to be pissed.” Her hands shake as she wipes at the tears. “Not only at me, but at you too.”

“I can handle him.” I shuffle around in my bag. “Here’s your first check from the estate. I know you get out of the hospital in a couple of days. If you would like me to deposit this for you into an account we set up for you, I can do that. Then you can start trying to find a new place to live.”

“How will I move there? I can’t lift anything.” She’s still in shock, looking at me with amazement in her eyes.