My heart swells in my chest as Rowan walks down the aisle toward the man who will be her husband. Standing in front of the church, along with the man who she’ll give herself to, I swallow hard. The dress I helped her pick out looks incredible as it sparkles in the candlelight of the chapel.
As much as I thought she was beautiful then, she’s gorgeous now. The wide smile across her face, the wetness in her eyes, and the sparkle that radiates from inside competes with the one she wears on the outside.
Our dad is like the rest of us in our dress uniforms. Even though he and I don’t always see eye-to-eye, I’m still proud of the awards he wears on his chest.
As they step to the altar, Cutter comes down, holding out his hand for Rowan.
“Who gives this woman to this man?”
“Her family and I do,” Dad answers, before kissing Rowan on the cheek and heading over to where Mom sits.