Chapter: 252

Chapter 252


“I promise,” I tell Devante and Cutter. “I’m fine.”

“Let us take you to Laurel Springs Med to make sure of that,” Cutter interrupts. “There could be injuries that you can’t see.”

Devante refuses to make eye contact with me. I’m unsure of what’s happening, but I have learned things about him. Like he doesn’t want to ever appear vulnerable. I keep telling myself this is what’s happening.

“You want me to drive?” Cutter whispers.

“No, I will,” he answers back and I feel all the hope I had seep out of my bones. It’s like whatever was holding me together is now making me fall apart.

Cutter’s mouth forms a tight line as he looks at his friend. “Are you sure?”

“I didn’t stutter, did I?”

Not wanting to see the two of them argue over me, I lift myself up into the back of the ambulance and try to keep the tears at bay. This has been one of the worst twelve hours of my life and all I wanna do is curl into myself and pretend like it never happened.