Chapter 206


"You want me to take this one?" Cutter asks as we sit in the ambulance, responding to our next call. "I know you don't do well with puke."

I shiver at the mention of it. "You don't mind?"

"It's not like I love it, but after being your partner for a while, I also know you're a sympathetic puker, and I just wanna get this over with."

"I don't choose to be a sympathetic puker," I remind him.

"So just let me handle it when we get there, and you can drive us to the hospital."

"Thank you."

"That's what friends are for," he says before he punches his horn. "Get the fuck outta the way, can't you hear the sirens and see the lights?"

He's so angry behind the wheel of our rig. I don't know how he ever got picked to be the driver.

"What are your plans after shift?" It's like we're not flying down the road at seventy-five miles an hour, which we in fact, are.