Chapter 262


“You’re good to go.”


Nodding, I grin, before hopping off the examination table. “No restrictions?” I question the doctor.


“None. You might have a little scar. If that bothers you, I can refer you to a plastic surgeon.”


I cut my eyes over to him. “I think it gives me a dangerous edge. What do you think?”


“Definite danger.”

His tone is so dry, I chuckle. “Thanks for backing me up.”

“I’ll have your release sent over to the police department. It’s up to them when they want to put you back on shift.”

“Thanks, Doc. Don’t take it personal, but I don’t think I wanna see you again.”

“None taken. Be safe out there, Officer.”

“Will do.”

My steps are with purpose as I leave the doctor’s office. Although I’ve enjoyed the time off, I’m ready to get back to work. I worry about the men taking over my shift. They’re already doing overtime and tired. My being hurt has put our already-stretched department even more thin.