Chapter 268


I haven’t slept this good in what feels like years. Not even when I break down and take the Melatonin I sometimes dose myself with. It’s part of the issue with working the way I do and never having a set schedule. Every once in a while, I can seem to catch up slightly, but then something happens and I have to go with a night of around four hours.


It screws me up all the time.


But last night, I slept better curled up next to Lis than I have in a long time. Her scent invading all of my senses. Her arms wrapped around me. It was a balm to my soul. One I didn’t even know I needed.


I’m still halfway angry at her family. With tears and a tight voice, she’d told me the entire story of what they’ve done to her for her whole life. If I ever get to meet those people, I’ll let them know that the Bank of Alisa is closed.


How anyone could hurt such a giving person is beyond me.