Chapter 6 Training

(Leland's Pov)

As we wake up in the morning, we saw knights, mages, and hunters practicing to protect their country, although their country I'm also one, but also those around the world are doing the same thing too.

This country's name is Aeneles Empire, it is an Empire with rich resources and strong military forces in the whole country, they devoted their lives for this beautiful Empire, though its corruption is 10%.

This is good, cause we live in peaceful and beautiful scenery we see through the valley and wonderful trees and flowers with birds. It puts a smile on my face and so I thought... "Please marry me!" As I was looking at the scenery, it got ruined by my sister.

"Give me a break, Sasthe, please mind your manners..." as she responded with a shocking answer. "Ah. Sorry I was just k-kinda, get carried, y-you know that right?" "Oh, it's fine. As long as it's just a mistake like that. I'll forgive you." The prince gave her a sweet smile, then she blushed and. "T-then. Ex-excuse me!?!" As I sighed as she did something bizarre, she wasn't always like this. She was captured by bandits and almost got sold as a slave, after that me and my friend rescued her, and after she saw my friend, who is a prodigy. She immediately became like this. I wish she gets used to people like and not to judge a book by its cover, she knows about books like that, but not the person itself.

Anyway, this is Crown Prince Klayden Bluee. He is the next heir to the throne and a humble person to everyone he meets and very much likely kind to others. Sometimes he can be a bit angry at times, but after all, he's the prince.

"Hahaha. Is your sister like this?" With a smile that I can't help myself to begin. And then I answered with a tired expression. "Yes... she is..." as I am in deep despair how I can't imagine that the prince would tell me this. "That's alright, it's just that... she really can't help it." "Of course she can't Your Highness!?!" As I also answered him very sincerely and a little loud. "Oh, pardon my manners." "It's alright again." after we walked through the training room and finished the tour we were given, it's a matter of time that my siblings are going to come back.

Then we finally meet our instructors and they seem very professional. I felt the sweat in my body due to the nervousness in front of the experts. After the introduction, we finally go to our respectable class and my teacher is Becrirk Windwillow.

Who are a famous adventurer and a knight who is the Captain of the Moon Order? As in these knights protect people in the night and finds corruptions and wipe them all out for good, they were on the side of justice and honor, and there's also a spy group in the kingdom called The Omen.

They were the ones who supported the Moon Order to seek information before they attack, these groups are the information gatherers, and the last group of the kingdom is the Raventhorn.

They wear purple robes as a uniform to show the signs of magic and researcher of the kingdom itself, these 3 factions work together and stand against any odds, no matter what the enemy does, they'll never be separated and disband since they are the heart of the kingdom and people themself. I really can't believe I'm with my dream hero to be here, I was very much intrigued.

Ha. Guess what I am called the "Lucky Kid." "Hello there kid, you already know who I am right?" As he looked me in the eyes and I was stunned and very nervous at the same then say. "Yes." As I said one word, oh my god what are you thinking? You just said one word and then I panic and panic then he suddenly laughed. "Hahahahaha! What a funny kid!" As he laughed cheerfully, just like that.

"Alright then, I will train hardest to make you become like me or better than me! Cause I want to see the fire in your eyes. I'll make you the strongest knight ever lived! You got that?" with the determination in his eyes, those are the eyes of someone who'll make someone from the future. And I- "I accept!" With the sound of acceptance and appreciation of my hero. "That's the spirit! Now let's do some train! Fight on!" "F-fight on!" as we did work on that. I can't believe I'm going to train so work and not disappoint him. Let's do this!

(Sathe's Pov)

My instructor is the same age as me, a freckled boy with normal brown straight hair, black eyes, and average. I kinda know who he is, but scared at the same time, I can't even handle him, I'm scared and I want to go back to my family and the prince himself.

"Hello, you there?" As he asked me if I'm listening. "Yes, I'm fine..." as I am very much scared of him. I'm not really in love with the man with a handsome feature, it's all an act I didn't want my family to know what I look like, and the prince, he's fine but I'm not really in love with him, I just used handsome man obsession to make them go away.

Even the handsome man themselves to make them not show interest, I just can't take it anymore. I just want someone who will help me with my problems, not even my parents and siblings know who I am.

I just don't know. As finished thinking my mind I focus on the instructor and he hadn't shown any signs of "thoughts" to what man are. He is focusing on teaching and after that. "Now, let's introduce ourselves again shall we?" As I look and listen to him.

"I am Nil Samisk, Court Council Mage of the Reventhorn." "I am Sathe..." I only said that. That's it... Oh, what the hell I'll just say more to myself and that's it! "I love evolution, books, and novels!" As I shouted in front who is my instructor and he's surprised and he laughed. "Hahahaha! Your quite a funny one right?" "Shut up..." I blushed and looked away as if he's not here, no wait, he's the instructor how could I ignore him. Arrgh! this sucks! "Anyways, can we continue, because I want to know about how to do the chanting? Even though I never learned using magic before..." as I blushed again.

"I would gladly do my best." said with a smile, "Now, shall we begin." I will say this again. I'll never fall for any tricks of a man who try to pull a sleeve on their back.