Chapter 14 Deal

(Calden's Pov)

I have been always trying to escape reality and cannot accept what is done and then it already happened, my brother is dead and my younger siblings are not in the right mood to talk with me.

In my mind, I have been trying to live in a fantasy where my brother is fine and my siblings are still there, even friends of ours are alive and safe.

For so long, I never want things that we used to enjoy to be gone forever, I never wanted that, still, we had friends and I love that, even so, we're still not the same without us, together alive all of us.

Will I ever move this burden of mine and focus on the future.

I needed someone to make me snap of this, and make me wake up from this labyrinth where I'm trapped.

My mind is like the labyrinth, but cannot move on from this pain and suffering.

I tried to escape from this cycle I can't, I just can't, please I need someone to help me, not just someone who is going to love me. But as a helping hand with reach out and friendly help from someone who'll save me.

That's what I desire. 

I wake up, from my bed and I decided to get myself dressed up, I was dreaming, and it's not real.

I sighed and get ready for breakfast, and I cooked very terribly and the food I ate is not great as it seems.

I opened the door of my house and looked at the streets, the roads look clean and the atmosphere is normal.

Just a typical day in this city, I worked as a lumberjack, and I been really good at chopping trees, a very normal job for me, I quit being a warrior or Hero a long time ago.

So do my siblings, I hope they're alright.

As I walked and walked, I found my boss waiting for me and said in a scary tone. "Where the hell have you been you lazy ass?" "Sorry boss, got a little late and I uhh..." The boss replied. "No need to push yourself lad, besides at least your here, come let's get back to work." "Yes," I replied.

Then as I took my axe and started chopping trees and I took a bit of sweat right there. The boss is doing his work and tells our co-workers to work their asses otherwise they're fired.

After chopping trees we have lunch and we chatted with the other co-workers for a short while.

They are friendly, even though they were intimidating they still are a bunch of strong gentle bunch.

As I said farewell to my co-workers and my boss, I walked myself straight home, eat dinner and go to sleep.

I sleep then suddenly, I was in prison, and from what I witnessed are the prisoners' cries and screaming for help.

"Where am I?" I asked myself, I looked around and stretched my hands to make myself self feel and think if it's a dream and it's real, but something too different.

Just what is this place? The guard came over and said in an empty tone. "Your next, Mr. Eldrede." "How did you know my-" I was about to finish my sentence and suddenly got teleport by this figure.

"Hello, Mr. Eldrede." Said in a formal tone. "Where am I, what is this place?" Asked so many questions and cannot begin to process this situation I'm in.

"Now, now, settle down, your questions will be answered one by one and for starters, who are we, we are the MIND, and the MIND will answer them for you, we as a species are a bunch of like ancient civilization before humanity came, we are purposely from another planet and in another dimension from not yours, to be exact we're here to make a deal."

"And what is this deal?" Said in a cautious tone. "First off, kill the king, and then we'll have something in return for you." "What do I get in return?" The creature replied. "You decide Mr. Eldrede, but our employers are just looking at everyone so long and we waited for something interesting to happen and what we believe is that the thing we searched for came."

"What are you talking about, what thing?" The creature gave a smile and said. "A previous person before you even the others, who is the first came to us and said a deal to us and to give an exchange for, you wouldn't believe how much that this person is interesting to see beforehand, until now."

The creature said to me. "What do you want to about this, Mr. Eldrede?" "I want you to tell me, who you are and then I'll tell you about how I feel about this." "Alright then, my name is BKEO974, but I prefer to call myself, Man."

"You look human, but not human nor a creature we saw." Man replied. "Of course, we are different from them, those natives and the human civilization advanced in the future and your kind survived and suddenly extinct those species that are here right now. Honestly, humans are so predictable at those kinds of things and want to do something for their own benefit and it's surprisingly disappointing."

Then Man said to me in this kind of tone. "Do you want to know everything from this or rather a deal?" I choose and said. "I want a deal, and the deal is..."