Chapter 19 Clues

(Cynesige's Pov)

The winter is strong as ever, can't it really end, but enough excuses it's time for me to find out what really happened to me, the memories I have about the things I have done are fake, and I still don't know what that is, and I need more evidence before claiming I'm not guilty.

The clues are still hiding somewhere, and I have to act as a tyrant in this role, even if I'm nice, there's a chance of creating altered memories, and someone is pulling the strings.

As I went to the royal library, I get books and try to find any magic involved in this and I want to confirm if I am hypnotized or altered.

And that's when the first clue comes in, the first clue is the speech, the speech that I gave to my people are meant to be unity, respect, and freedom, but change into a tyrannical speech instead of a promising speech, it was the first thing in my memory that wake me up from this false memories.

I remember that when it occurred on the place where I make a speech and then it awakens me from my so-called memories, It's getting suspicious to me, and I want to know what sorcery they are using to me, just what is their goals, they don't want money, power or anything else.

It's something they're searching something, in the castle, and what secrets lie ahead, but since my ancestor are part of this, I guess I should uncover the mystery of this castle as well.

It looks like something important, I don't trust anyone in this castle, not the slightest, even the soldiers, nobles, and the commoners.

Some will betray me in the future, and they have introduced themselves without lying, I don't have the power to detect lies and all I have is the power to see the future, and it's only the child, just what is the child supposed to do, is the meaning of this child.

But there are slight changes, it's two of them, and I still don't know what it is, as I read every single one of the books about magic, there are no spells that alter my memories and the only thing I find is illusion magic and the magic to make them think it's me.

Even though I did not participate in this act, the fake me is there in my memory, and how's that possible.

The spells can be undone and the illusion spell can be undone by using arcane magic, and the other is not and they are using me physically as a piece of evidence that I did something wrong.

Now that is a mystery, as I went back to my bed and try to sleep, and I still can't stop thinking about it, it's still stuck in my mind and I need to calm myself, and I don't have to worry, once this is over, I'll make them try to gain the trust and the life they used to have before this.

(Atlin's Pov)

I might just want to say this out but I'm speaking in my mind, there's no way this brat king is the culprit behind this.

As I sat behind the tree in cold winter, I'm affected by the blizzard at all, still, it's strange for me to ask in this, how does no one ever felt a strange thing that I felt, even the king knows that, and basically in reality when I met in my mission he seems kind and aware of his surroundings.

He also knew this as well, he said. "I don't know what to say about this, but I think someone has altered my memories and hypnotize me for something they want to find in my castle, since your my father's friend, I think I trust your siblings and try to investigate those for me." He said with a serious tone.

"I'll consider it kid," I said bluntly and went away. Back to the present, I just wonder, what if he's telling the truth, I mean the magic aura he had is strange and it's covering the real him.

Just who are they, if I find who they really are, I would really try to beat the shit of them.

I saw the child sat behind the tree and teleported right in of me, I did not react to that and it's basically normal.

"Look, about what happened back then, I just wanted to say-" "No need for apologies, I'm used to it." They then looked at the cold blizzard we're in now.

"You know, it's something I want to ask." "I'll answer it." They stand up and looked at me and as I said to them. "Why do you want to learn anything about us?" Said a weird question to say to this kid and I really need to get on my nerves.

"I just wanted to see what happens at the end." "Wait, what-" The kid teleported somewhere and suddenly disappeared, really know this kid, I should have to try to stop them from going away.

I suddenly got teleported from somewhere, and where am I. "Wow, I didn't expect a being to be here instead of Anti." A voice I heard and I turn around and they seem to be the same as Anti, wait they, that's what they are called they since they have no genders.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Manoaly, if you could decipher this name to everyone that outside this place." "What are you talking about?" I was confused and try to process what's going on.

"Welp, I wouldn't want to say to a bounty hunter like yourself, still Anti and I are different, to your point of view, I see that the look I saw is the sign of confusion right?" It's like they know what's going in my mind and facial expressions.

"But I'll bring you back to where you are, we'll meet again." "No wai-" I was teleported back to where I came from. "God, what the hell is going on today..." I sighed and today is a strange day.