Chapter 23 01101001

(Manoaly's Pov)

Now you have seen my past, I was friends with Sathe, we were close friends, still, I kept secrets so that she'll never feel a burden for me, not even you readers, whatever what you guys are called.

But I wouldn't mind if we continue this fourth-wall-breaking, cause it'll just be a bit of fun don't you think, not that you care or laugh, I don't even know how you feel reading our point of view, after all, it's how the fiction world works, it's just a bunch of words and drawings.

Even Anti knows that, I know you might be really annoyed by fourth-wall-breaking tropes.

Just don't forget that someone who made this is trying so hard and desperate to tell a good one, so try to be patient and be supportive for what they made this stories for you damn spoilers.

They are coming. If you want the plot itself, fine here's the plot you have been waiting for enjoy.

00101000 01010111 01000101 01010011 01010100 01000101 01010010 00100111 01010011 00100000 01010000 01001111 01010110 00101001

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