Chapter 5 - Victoria & Emma

Victoria, their eldest daughter was having her own dilemma. She found out she was pregnant at the beginning of lockdown. She told her boyfriend Matt who went ballistic telling her to get an abortion. It wasn't what she expected. Somehow she thought that, like her parents, they would get married and she would have the baby.

Now with lockdown what the hell was she going to do? She thought she could persuade Matt to change his mind. She didn't want to loose him and had become really clingy. She was the jealous type at the best of times.

She was now four months pregnant and Matt was avoiding her she was sure. She'd been stalking him most nights . He wasn't answering her calls and she even resorted to calling him seventy-five times one day but he kept making excuses not to meet up what with all the rules and regulations. The last time they spoke he had cried saying he didn't want to be a father.

'Well you're fucking going to be one,' she said and he hung up on her.

She would sit outside his family's house for hours every night her messages getting more and more desperate.She was sure Elaine from up the road was seeing him, the bitch. She wasn't thinking straight and was driven by hormones and emotion. She would sit in the car devouring bags of chocolate minstrels until two or three in the morning and then go home and cry herself to sleep. Her belly was getting bigger by the day.

Emma had her own problems and the sisters had never been that close. They loved each other but they were just very different. Emma got on more with Darren even though he was five years older than her. Her cider drinking and weed smoking had turned into something heavier of late. It was just a bit of fun really...she could handle it.

She felt that life was over and believed like Darren that this Covid was one big lie and it had freaked her out. She had kept her thoughts to herself and hadn't even discussed it that much with Darren. They both knew they were on the same page.

Her nights were sat in the park smoking weed and drinking vodka with a small group of friends. She had lost a ton of weight having always been on the curvy side taking after her dad Andy. She also had his lovely curly auburn hair which had somehow lost its lustre and curl and now hung limply around her thin face. Jan had been delighted to see her daughter finally losing the baby fat and had praised her when they had passed on the stairs not noticing how ill her daughter really looked.

Weeks went by in the Hunt household with all of them passing like ships in the night wrapped up in their own little worlds. Jan and Emma getting thinner and Andy and Victoria getting fatter. Nobody really noticed what was going on with Darren and he had completely slipped under the radar.