Chapter 20- The Bubble

Christmas was now fast approaching and it had been announced on the main stream media that restrictions were to stay in place. You were allowed to form a bubble in a household and spend a few days with your family. Then it suddenly changed and you could only spend Christmas day together and all other restrictions applied.

It was so bloody complicated and hard not to feel irritated by it all. Andy and Jan had endless phone calls about it and plans had to be changed over and over. The final plan was they were to go in a bubble with Jan's household and spend Christmas altogether and also get to see the baby.

Jan had excitedly made plans only to be disappointed over and over again. They were now all in tier four which meant they could only spend Christmas day together so Jan phoned Andy to make some final arrangements.

'What do you mean you're not coming?' Jan said to Andy incredulously.

'I can't risk it,' she could hear Andy saying 'not after losing Dad we have decided to stay here and just do something low key. Anyway I don't want to expose Mam to you all because you're not keeping to the rules.'

Then they started the usual argument about Corona that they seemed to have every time they spoke and Andy just cut her off midsentence as Jan was shouting: 'Don't you even want to see your Grandchild?'

Darren came into the living room and found his Mum with her head in her hands. 'I can't believe he won't listen to us about this covid nonsense, why can't he see what we see? This is all about control I see that now.'

Darren tried to comfort his Mum

'I tried Mum I really did but Dad won't listen to me and he thinks we are all mad' he said.

'Look Mum let's go into the kitchen and make some breakfast and then we can make a shopping list. We can just get on with it if they want to spend Christmas in Camden self-isolating then so be it. We can make the most of it we have the baby to think about.' said Darren.

They were all dreading the first Christmas without Bill and Emma so in one way it was easier to accept that it would be different going forward and the family would never be the same again.

Everything had changed in Hayes what with little Teddy and more importantly the coming together of minds. They all followed Darren's channel and supported him fully. Jan surprisingly took to the freedom movement and now saw clearly what the agenda was. She saw through the lies and control and now wanted to go on the next big protest march in London.

She spent hours researching the World Ecomic Forum, Bill Gates , Soros and the Elites as they were called. She researched the vaccination program and the pharma industry and believed that it was all about control and more importantly population control. She worried about Andy and Maggy but constantly tried to educate them or even to agree to differ but it always ended up badly and was causing a rift to form in the family.

She posted articles on Facebook questioning the narrative and basically lost most of her friends and received hurtful comments and what only could be described as hate mail. This had knocked her back at first and she had even questioned herself. Someone called her a Karen and another friend called her stupid and who did she think she was and that people like her were a danger to society. Another had sarcastically asked her if she was a scientist or a doctor.

She began to question life and her very existence but with the support of Darren and Victoria she pushed through. Holding little Teddy in her arms also built a fire in her heart to push forward with what she believed was a fight for all of humanity.

Her days became consumed with reading and posting articles. She wouldn't watch TV anymore especially the BBC with its propaganda and Darren became so proud of his Mum and how switched on she had become. She even joined him on one of his videos and his fans had really taken to her. She just spoke about what it was like to suddenly wake up to the lies and why she had begun to question the narrative.

'This fake pandemic killed my daughter and stopped us having funerals for our loved ones.' she said.

The one thing that had really woken Jan up was when they told her that Emma had died of Covid.

Victoria was also totally switched on but was also focused on her new baby so the conversation was a mix of baby talk and the fake pandemic. Somehow little Teddy was the future that they now all felt driven to protect.

Still Christmas was coming and Jan and Victoria decorated the family tree. It was tinged with sadness as Emma had always loved Christmas so much but they went ahead in her honor. They made a list of food and ordered it all online. It would just be the four of them and Spice so they didn't need a huge amount of food.

They decided not to bother with presents as Jan had even started to question consumerism. A light had really gone on in her head. She no longer drank believing that alcohol was somehow connected to everything that was wrong in the world. In the end through her sadness she was emerging stronger and clearer than she had ever been in her life. All that mattered to her now was Freedom and the love of her family. She was really going through an unexpected metamorphism and she embraced it fully.

Christmas day came and Andy and Maggy stayed true to their word and stayed in Camden. Andy had spent hours preparing a delicious dinner for two, the full works with a special full English breakfast with some Buck's Fizz to start the day.

They had both gotten up early and Maggy had watched an online church service singing along rather loudly to the Christmas Hymns. Andy feeling quite festive was wearing a god awful red and green Christmas jumper with a Christmas pudding on it. It looked hideous and he hadn't wanted to wear it but his Mam had spent hours knitting it for him.

They were both on their second glass of Buck's Fizz when the phone rang and disrupted them. It was Jan Face timing to wish them a Merry Christmas and quite frankly as the phone was passed around the room it was more of an ordeal than anything else. Jan had made some remark about the jumper which had immediately got up Andy's nose and then seeing the glasses of drink had said cuttingly that they both seemed to be getting into the spirit of things.

Jan quite frankly harbored a lot of resentment that they had not made the effort to come and spend the day all together as a family regardless of their different beliefs. A chasm seemed to be widening between them and after everyone had spoken and the baby had been shown on the FaceTime they were all relieved to get on with their days separately.

In Hayes they kept the day simple with no more than a traditional Sunday roast. Darren had a few beers and that was it. It was the most un Christmas day they had ever had and really that suited them all. In one way they made it all about the baby as most days were. They could spend hours just looking at her and the day centered around her sleeping, waking and feeding. Spice was happy to have a rather large chicken dinner and in the early evening they all went for a short walk in the park to get some fresh air.

Back in Camden Maggie and Andy had eaten a full four course Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and were now settled into watching the BBC Christmas special. They both sat slumped on the couch in front of the TV and by four o'clock Andy was quite pissed. Maggie had indulged herself in a few glasses of wine and was feeling quite relaxed herself as she started on the box of Celebrations Andy had given her.

After a short nap Andy made some plates of sandwiches and poured another few drinks for them both. Feeling a bit nostalgic Maggie unexpectedly started to talk of her childhood.

'Now Andy theirs a lot that you don't know and you might be quite surprised by what I'm going to tell you.' she said.

Andy edged forward in his seat, 'Mam you have never told me about your childhood and I've always been curious as to why you never speak about it.' he said.

'Well Andy I will tell you it's quite a sad story and I have my reasons why I have never spoken about it but maybe now is the time you heard the truth.'