ji-ho lost one of his loved one

(This world contain different type of life but there is one which of we all are unaware but they are living among us hiding their identity. All those control our life without giving us any hint and that's how our life was going on but....)

2005, ji-ho(Park ji-ho)was going home from school.it was a shiny day with bright sun but when he went home his cousin( Beom-so) took him and went to his uncle house. But when he asked him why they are going there suddenly his cousin didn't give correct reason and just replied that suddenly they planned a trip and they have to catch the flight. While going there he fell asleep and had a strange dream ,suddenly he wake up with sweat on his face and was frightened. His cousin asked if everything was fine ,he replied in a deep voice I want to go home

I don't want to go there

please drop me home

move the car back, please

but his cousin couldn't do that because at home his older brother(Ji-hyun) was dead. His family didn't want him to find about this, so his cousin forcingly took him away and they returned after a month.

He found that his brother was not there and he was not able to get in contact with him past month, so he started to form different kind of thoughts.

This way two more month.

One day he eavesdropped conversation between his uncle and aunt and find out that his brother was dead , he didn't know anything about this.

He became frustrated and didn't know what to do next .

he couldn't force himself to ask his parents to ask how did Ji-hyun died.

everyone thought that Ji-ho don't know anything and continued their usual life. But after some weeks whenever he go to sleep he started to hear a strange tune in his ears ,only he could hear that and when he asked about this to other they all said are you mad ,what are you talking about

it's just a dream

don't think too much.

But he was certain that it was not a dream.

strange thing started to happen with him.

Then one day he saw his brother with a white shadow and he tried to follow him but he couldn't move his body and stared to shout

Ji-hyun stop there, wait for me

but his voice didn't come out from his throat

he frightened and got too much scared

suddenly voice come out from his throat and was able to move his body.

He was confused what was that.

Then again next he faced same thing but this time he was not sleeping and Ji-hyun was sitting next to him, staring at him without any word

he asked him when did he came

where was he

but he didn't respond and then disappear

for once he was happy

that he got to meet his brother

but then got sad and missed him

as time goes he noticed there is something wrong with his body

he was not talented in anything before

but now he was perfect at everything he do

people around him was shocked

he used to be a outcast at school

but now everyone at school want to talk to him and spend some time