Ji-ho and sung-ho had fun with ji-hyun

ji-ho didn't tell sung-ho anything about what happened to him because he was already upset

he went to next day

he couldn't stop himself seeing other werewolf doing what they wanted

that day he finished quickly and went too his brother

when he went to his office he was not there

someone told him that he was in a meeting

he waited for him for a bit

then he came

ji-asked him what was his plan

ji-hyun explained him that they were not ordinary werewolf

they had more power then he was expecting

ji-ho was like a little baby in front of them

then after some time ji-ho left his office

on his way to home he saw an old woman

she was all alone sitting on a bench

she had some grocery with her

an apple was dropped in one of her packets

ji-ho helped her

and asked she was doing there

she thanked him

and said he was a kind boy

she told him that she lived nearby with her granddaughter

but there no body who want to be friend with her

cause she is a child with no parents

and every time she saw her crying alone because of that

she felt guilty towards

why she have to live a life like that

it was not her fault that she had no parents

but other children make fun of him ,tease him

and even people in neighborhood talk behind their back

and spread nonsense rumors around

they don't allow their children to play with her

then she gave him an apple and left

he served himself for helping

but she rejected

he insisted and went with her

after dropping her to his home he went home

and waited for sung-ho

sung-ho was in a happy mood when he came back

he told ji-ho that he found where she live

ji-ho told him not to worry anymore

he will found out about the matter

then he went to the address he gave him

and found that it was the house of that old woman he met a while ago

he saw someone coming from the house

it was seo-yun

he couldn't saw her face but read her mind from a far

and found about the incident

and told sung-ho about everything

next day when he went to school

he saw that there was a huge seen created by the others

seo-yun's bench was full of hated comments

they told her to leave that school

they can't study with a thief in a classroom

who knows what she try to steal next

seo-yun was standing

listening to all that mess

but had no idea to do anything

sung-ho went there

hold her hand

and took her to rooftop

after reaching there he hugged her and told to forget everything she saw earlier

he told her not worry about them

it's their job to make fun of others

they don't care about no body

for them it's just a way to have fun

they would know when something like this happen to them

now you have me

so no matter what they say to you

you just have to listen from one ear and let go out from other ear

just focus on study

she felt very comforted that there was some body who cared about her

that day they bunked class

and went to have some fun in market

first they went to have some ice cream and talked to each other

seo-yun told him that she lived with her grandma and all about her family

sung-ho was also very happy

then they went to home

sung-ho told everything to ji-ho about what happened

ji-ho was thinking whether he should tell him or not what happened to him

but seeing his happy face he decided to not

cause he didn't want to ruin his mood

ji-ho told sung-ho he was going out for some fresh air

sung-ho told him to go with him

as he also wanted to go outside

when they went outside they found his brother waiting outside

he was deciding there, should he go inside or not

ji-ho told sung-ho he was his brother

and about the story how he found him

ji-hyun thanked to sung-ho for taking care of ji-ho

he took both of them with him to a very big restaurant and asked them to order what they wanted

it was a very expensive restaurant

sung-ho was very surprised seeing that

but after some time got a little sad and asked what this all was for

he asked if he was taking ji-ho with himself

he didn't want him to leave

ji-hyun told him not to worry he was not going to do something like that

because of some reason he couldn't take ji-ho with him

that night they enjoyed so much

it was after so long time ji- ho and sung-ho both had this much fun

then he gave both of them some present

they both enjoyed that

next day when sung-ho went to school he was a little late

same goes to seo-yun

she was late

both of them got punished for that

and were told to take five round of lap around school

they both started their first round

it was easy for both of them

but seo-yun got tired in third one

she was totally exhausted and couldn't run anymore

then sung-ho hold her hand started running

after finishing all rounds they lied down on the ground

it was very good to do that after running that much

sung-ho told her that he can run that much everyday if he got to do that with her

then started making fun of him

she told him that he was very cute

ji-ho was on his way for delivery

then suddenly someone came from back and attacked him

he took him to a very strange place

his face was covered with a black mask and was unconscious

when he wake up he found himself at a unknown place

it was all dark on front of his eyes

he tried to find about the situation

but he was not able to read mind of anyone who were present there

he got confused what was happening there