The little kid fooled ji-ho to get his power

ji-ho was out of his mind for time being

he had no idea what was happening

then came a little kid

he asked him what he was doing there

ji-ho told him that he saw that gate and got curious to find out why

only that gate was old

he told him he didn't had any other plan

and asked who he was and why he was there

that kid asked him that he don't know how he became a werewolf

ji-ho replied

yes , and asked how he know about that

then that kid said he was born with both of his parents werewolf

but they didn't want him to became like others

so they locked him there

after which they didn't came there

so he got bored by all alone

so he started to choose those student who have no desire to live with there parents

he gave all those facility they wanted

others children there was very happy

and once they come they can't go back

it's not like that they can't but they don't want to go back

ji-ho asked hi then why he was there

that little kid said him that he is not that small

he should not call him a kid

he has been living there for more than 100 years

so he is too much older than him

so he asked him to not call him a kid

he asked him to tell why he was there

that kid replied with a smile on his face you don't know the reason of your existence

don't worry you will find it when the time is correct

ji-ho had no idea what he was talking

that kid explained him more deeply

that he was not an ordinary boy

one day you will found that and at that time you will have two path to choose and it will decide your fate

not everyone get a chance to change their fate but you will be able to do that

ji-ho couldn't understand a single word he was saying

he asked him how he can go back

kid replied why are you in so hurry

if you are here you should play with him a little

if he didn't then he will got upset

may be i am looking like a kid but i also have some power

my parents thought if i don't grow up then i wouldn't gain those power but they were wrong

what's the point in living here locked when nothing happened according to their plan

he will allow him to leave from there on one condition if he helps him get out

he will let him out

ji-asked how he could he help him

you don't have to do much

he just need to to give him some of his blood

he was about to do what he told him

suddenly he heard a sound

it was like someone was breaking something

the kid got warned

and told ji-ho to hurry up

ji-ho took a knife and was about to cut his finger

someone hold hold his other hand which had knife

when j-ho turned around he saw that ji-hyun was there

and asked ji-ho what the hell he was doing there

how many time he had to tell him not to believe anybody

he shouted how many more time he have to tell what he see in true

before you do anything at least think of me

what he would do if something happen to him

ji-ho asked him what' the matter

he explained him that he was struck there and had no other choice other than that kid asked

because he didn't know the way to get out of there

when he entered there was a gate but after that it was gone

ji-hyun warned that boy not to come in the middle of them

they were about to left

but then that boy converted into his real form

he grow in size

there were hairs in his whole body

and started to to make strange noises

that scared ji-ho

hi lost his conscious and passed out

ji-hyun then fought with him and killed him

because it was all his lies that he told him before

actually he wanted him to give him his blood willingly

in that way he would became more powerful

because ji-ho's blood was very powerful

but he was not aware of that

he was a special werewolf

he did all this because the blood should be given willingly and if was forced to do so

then power of blood would not work

ji-hyun couldn't stand someone else playing with his prey

so he killed him

he took ji-ho to his home

sung-ho was at home

when ji-hyun came with ji-ho he asked what happened to him

ji-hyun told him that he was a little shocked so passed out

he told him to not worry about him

he would wake up in some time

sung-ho gave him a glass of water

and asked him to stay there for a little more

cause he had no idea what to do if something happen to him

he told him to leave after he gain conscious

ji-hyun agreed to that

then both came out of his room

sung-ho asked him sit on the couch

asked if he wanted something to eat

he told him he don't need to do anything

he would have dinner later cause he have a meeting with someone

then they both started some conversation

ji-hyun asked him if they have any problem

if any then they could ask him

sung-ho told him that everything was okay

he again asked him if everything was going smoothly

sung-ho told him


you don't need to worry

then ji-ho came out of his room

and asked what happened

why he was there

as long he knows he was at school for a delivery

ji-hyun asked him if he don't remember anything

ji-ho replied that he don't

ji-hyun thought it would be good for him not to remember about that incident

so he told him that he don't eat anything and always run around for delivery

he should take care of his body also

he told him he passed out on the street and someone his phone number on his phone and called him

then ji-hyun told them he should go now

and asked sung-ho to take care of ji-ho

he said goodbye to both and left