Ji-ho meet his father's friend

seo -yun was very happy

she invited sung-ho to her home later far a little party

he agreed to her

on the other side that girl who was jealous of seo-yun was planning to do something so that she could make seo-yun leave school on her own

sung-ho and seo-yun enjoyed their party at home

her grandma thanked him for helping seo-yun

sung-ho asked not to say they

they were friend and said if a friend don't help each other then who would do

then seo-yun stand up and said that she have an announcement

so everyone please pay attention

she then told her grandma that sung-ho was his boyfriend

grandma was very happy and said

wow now you are surprising me way too much

but she was happy for them

she asked sung-ho to take good care of her seo-yun and to come home often whenever he have time

that way i wouldn't fell lonely too

now they all were like a family

sung-ho was missing all of this for a long time ago

he was wising to god to keep all this same forever

then he said goodbye to them and asked to go back

he asked can he go alone

she offered to go with him till bus stop

he told her not to worry and go inside so that he can go

but she insisted so they both went to bus stop together

they were talking and laughing on their way

they waited for the bus a little

when the bus came seo-yun gave a hug to him and run away, after a distance she stop and shook her hand to say goodbye

sung-ho was a little shocked but was happy

then he called her

but she didn't picked it

when he reached home he was very happy and was thinking only about it

ji0ho asked him why he was in a happy mood

did something good happen

sung-ho didn't told him about that and said

just party was so amazing

next day sung-ho packed a special lunch box when ji-ho came out sung-ho asked him did he wanted some

ji-ho told him he was late for his work

sung-ho asked but you don't go this early

he then replied that he have something to do other then that

then he left

sung-ho also went to school

he saw seo-yun was about to enter the main gate

then he went to her and whispered in her left ear

i am here

she then turned his to left but sung-ho changed his position and was on her right side now

she asked him

what are you doing

he replied i just want to do some trick with her

they both were happy

then he asked her what was that

she asked what are you talking about

i didn't do anything

i have no idea what you are talking about

then he specified that hug

don't you remember

don't thik about playing tricks with me

cause you can't win against me

they were enjoying teasing each other

then they entered the classroom

everyone was staring at them

but they ignored them and sit on their benches

the whole class was talking about them on class group

then the teacher noticed that no body was paying attention to what he was talking

he went to their seats and asked them to give him their phones

he warned them not to use phone during class

and announced that everyone have to put their phones in their lockers and if found anyone then he would take their phone

and will gave back only after talking to their parents

during lunch time sung-ho went to seo-yun and asked her to came to rooftop

she asked what's the reason

he told her you will found out when you come

then she went there

she saw he arranged a table there and was waiting for her

she then asked what he was doing

then he opened the lunch box and said

specially packed this for you

you are the first girl for whom he cooked

she was very touched and thanked him for doing that muhc for her

the food was looking very cute

it was delicious also

she asked did he cooked it by himself

then he replied

yes, i did all this for you

she asked how and where he learned to cook such delicious food

he explained that he was living alone because he lost their parents in an accident

so he had to cook his own food

at first it was not that good

but with time it get much better

she said sorry

i had no idea

he told her there is nothing to sorry about

it's not even your fault

then he changed the topic and asked what they should do after school

he asked her she wanted to do

she told him that she couldn't play with him today

he asked her what's the reason

she told him that her grandma have to go hospital for her checkup

he asked her he was also free could he go with them

he would be helpful for them

she agreed to it

and said if you want ,you can

then they agreed to meet at five o'clock at that bus stop

bell for next class ringed

she told him they should go now otherwise teacher would scold them

they hurried and reached to class at time

that day ji-ho was going to meet someone

who would tell him about about something

when he reached he saw he was not there

so he decided to wait there

that man was his father's friend

but he didn't know that

he waited there for some time and then saw he was coming

but he was out of his breathe

he came there running

ji-ho asked was everything okay

why he was running

what happened

he told him to calm down first and then talk

that man told him that he don't have time to explain anything

so listen to me carefully

he asked what he was talking about

that man told him not to believe anyone around him

what he was seeing was not all true

ji-ho asked him to explain him in a way he could understand