The real world and a real life fantasy

" ok class" mrs gray said when she smacked my hands with a ruler and then all of my frenemies in the class laughed at my sleeping while in class "ok Sam what is pi times two".she asked me and even though I've never been the best at math some strange part of me new the answer "pi squared mrs gray or zero". she stood there slightly slack jawed because I've never been the best student. But even still how'd I actually know that. I thought about it till the end of class but even still I had no answer until I heard a voice in my head saying "yes very good one who now can use me as a weapon" while one part of my brain was wandering what the hell I just heard another one was more on the train of thought of 'well bettered go order a premium sweet at the luny bin' and while I was thinking that I ran into the one and only girl who I have ever had even the tiniest twinge of feelings for. Charlotte who for the rest of this story I may be calling Charlie just for simplicity but any other time yea I'll just be calling her Charlotte "oh hi Charlotte how's your day been so far? " I asked out of genuine curiosity. "Pretty good actually she said in that voice that makes my heart go all aflutter. I held out my hand as a general greeting. But when she shook it she noticed how warm I was. and then she did something that I definitely wasn't expecting when she put her hand on my forehead "on your left side your as cold as a winters day or my grandpa after he returned from the war" she said in a tone that made it clear that it was obviously a joke. I chuckled for for a little while until she made it clear that she was also done laughing with a light cough that was obviously intended to be derisive and then she felt my right side and she then seemed rather concerned "are you aware of how high your temperature is on your right side and cold on your left." And honestly I felt the same as always so I wasn't one hundred percent sure what she was talking about. So I stated that I had no idea what she was talking about while she was in nursing school and I was in college to get my doctorate with my big beady eyed glasses that seemed to be doing less and less good by the second and so she then took me to the one and only professional doctor. My father