Now it’s time

"Sam!!!" My old man said as if he new a single thing about superiority. "What do you want this time" I said with a true superior power and strength by my side "but he didn't quite know that because the next thing he said was "I knew we should've gotten rid of you." almost right after he had finished his statement about how this world would have been better had I never been born I reached for his throat and ripped it out so that he could never spread such sacrilege about me as a person. "now you see Sam the fragility of human kinds pathetic life-force." the Lucifer whispered in my ear "yes you may be right about that much at least but even with this blood on my hands I will still never allow you to control my actions." And all I could do was thank god that no one was watching but what I didn't realize is that Hope; a girl was about to enter to take me back to class and the moment she opened the door she screamed which of-course attracted the attention of everyone in the building "run" I heard Lucifer say but then I was like "wait what about her" I said to Lucifer "okay fine I've got her" he said as he somehow transformed into a raging brown hellion bull that it turns out is actually visible "what the hell is going on." She said with a bewildered look on her face "get on there's not much time left." I said as I took her by the hand and hopped on. and then woh did we ride out of here as soon as possible with minor injuries of the staff and other students alike because it's not quite the safest thing nor was it the school boards directive to allow a loiter to roam the halls of a school and then I actually saw my ninth grade english teacher mr Henry, and for whatever reason he he didn't look happy "oh so there you are. Tell me we're you the one who killed the principal as well as your father" he said as he yanked me of my spirit lion and then he said "we found your fingerprints on his throat and not only that but you should really clean your shoes because we found your shoe stains and then he yanked me of my Lucifer lion and it roared as it turned back into the devil I knew from my attic the very first time we met back up in the schools attic but then he whispered something at me and then he yelled "fight for what you believe is right" so that's exactly what I did. 'Rip' "ahhhhh!!!" he wailed "you son of a bitch!!!" He yelled "you deserve everything you are about to get in hell and more" I said in my devil voice. he then dropped me. "come,come Lucifer said as he took mine and Charlottes hand's. And then did we run out of there in a flash.