Back at school but with a horrid reputation

"Anyway let's go now Charlotte" I tried so very hard to use my words suggestively but she wasn't taking the hint and talking with her brother. then there was another thought that entered my mind, if some sort of Lucifer skill was responsible for was responsible for bringing the children back to life then there must be a way to force her away from her brother without having to resort to brute force. And then it hit me like a boxing glove to the face. "Of course, dammit it was so obvious." I can't reason with her then I may as well make her feel great via her psyche, and so I said this "hey Charlotte since your little brother is now in that older body then technically he should be in the same class as us as long as we keep what he really is a secret." I said with confidence "yea your right hey brother do you want to go with us to our school." Charlotte asked with certainty of what his answer would be 'yea' he said in his much manlier sounding voice than what was heard before by me but then that girl from before who i thought was named lily but it turns out that her real name was Lilith "alright you know what she has a point."