The uncrowned king

After the bell incident and the wedding had occurred it was time for the party and after that the honeymoon. not much to say about the wedding party there was much chatter from the other vampires "so wait, if I have Lucifer and this vampiric blood inside me then how long do you think I'll be able to continue living?" I had asked her worriedly "hmm I don't know, possibly forever."

"Doh shit what am I going to do with all that time on my hands?" I had asked myself aloud within total dismay "well you could go l monster hunting." She had said with a vicarious voice

"Do you wanna go with me and my friends to hunt a few monsters and who knows you may even be able to get some gear" she had said more excitedly

'Gear?' I said questioningly "yea like griffin wings and such the like, although I bet that wings wouldn't do either of you much good." She had said "but first you need to meet the rest of the adventuring crew, you remember Beelzebub and this is Debra, Chad and Seaford." She introduced everyone with handshakes all around and then we were off

We were on my old street before I had come to this new universe "doh hey this street again, I remember it well" I had stated when the group had immediately questioned me "I'm going to kill the gods of this world and then I'm going to take up my proper throne as the one true God of all worlds and then I'm going back home" everyone was looking at me with their jaws dropped down onto the floor and then a monster had appeared a big ass fire dragon which was honestly quite simple. And with my new subordinates it was honestly quite simple, a-few good slashes to the eyes to blind it and it was then like that it a punch to it's gullet and like that it was done. I had defeated my first dragon and honestly it felt kind of good as a God to defeat a dragon and so I looked at my new friends "and then I generated a sword and cut of every useful part of the dragon. All tolled I now had a full set of red fire dragon armor which honestly looked pretty slick. but anyway "woh that was quite impressive even for you" Rachael had said. And then 'flop' and I had passed out with my angel wings completely extended and then I had fallen to my knee's and had a truly terrifying dream.