Make love not war

"My love, Sam." Rachael had whimpered with tears rolling down her face "what is it?, lovely queen known as Rachael." I had asked Rachael as I had basically become her god.

"It's just, who are they" she said while pointing to mine and Lucifers children and siblings. "Doh them? Just my family from another world, don't worry about them." I said with the angels and demons on each side of my shoulder and my arms raised in godly triumph "now what do you say we go back home to the castle and make you the replacement vampiric goddess?" I had said to her with a smile. "It would be an honor oh my dearest god Samael." Rachael had said with quite the Sirius tone "don't call me a god, please" I had said to her in a voice that would have most likely made Gordon Ramsey calm himself down as I reached out for her hand and then whistled to let all the demons, vampires and angels know that we were going to a new home.

Once we got there the demons trashed the place ever so slightly, until my dragon son entered the room then they were petrified, same with the angels as-well as the vampires considering how much he'd grown in such a short amount of time "hello there my son how've you been." I asked with a pat on his snout and he replied back with his usual joyful snarl "anyways I'll see you later" and then I had stopped patting his nose and made for the door further inward to the kingdom for more time to meditate on my new powers so that I could get stronger but before I had done that I proceeded to give Rachael her god-hood through the angels and demons power combined with mine and then a new goddess was born "hello there my beloved goddess, I welcome you to the world of godhood" I said to her as a last bit of comfort before she became to wrapped up in a universe full of gods.