I can explain

"Where were you all these years, my beloved idiot brother!" My sister asked me still in the embrace that was roughly around the same strength as a ball python. "Tell me, where have you been all these long years my beloved brother." She asked me with tears falling down her eyes. "I've been busy in other worlds for a great many years, I'm so sorry" I said in the most emotional tone I could muster up from within me. Main reason as to why I didn't just wipe her memory of everything being that there was still much that I actually lacked understanding of and so for my first question I simply asked her "where is our mother." And she replied with

These words with slightly more relief "she's dead." She had said with tears rolling down her face "is she in hell" I asked as I showed my giant white wings and then flew away as she just stood there gawking at where I was and then I was just gone

"Hey Samael, where do you think my mothers soul is!" I asked my angel and he responded with "I'm not sensing her presence in heaven anywhere, so maybe she's either in hell or somewhere else that is unknown to me."Lucifer said with wide eyed wonder in his voice. "I wonder where she could be, I'll make you a deal." My archangel had said "I'll go to one of the many religions gods spiritual quarter's to search for her, a couple hours later in the Greek pantheon, "hello?" I asked. And then I'd immediately been forced to catch a lightning bolt and a trident. "I was wondering where my mother was."