He threw a tantrum

They're in the conference room and the king's general was reporting about the progress of their conquests. This general was diligent and has been following his advice. That's why he, too, was winning battles.

"Next!" even if the general was still talking.

He gestured his fingers to shoo him away. He was overdramatic, so Hash had to stop him.

Everything has a right time and now was not to brag about his achievements, because something urgent the prince had to attend and it had something to do with the girl with a phoenix eyes.

But the next presenter was not ready.

"I said next!" He gave emphasis on the last word.

His men always knew such impatience, but not by others.

The next presenter was his trained assassin. Although tough and killed with no mercy, they all cowered in front of him.

"Hurry!" His voice sounded critical.

Back at the resort. Isabel wasn't able to sleep any longer, so she gathered her farming tools, dug up the yard, and planted her vegetables. The garden was well-lit that it's so bright, so planting at this time of the day was not a problem.

She can't help analyzing what had happened to her the other night. How was it possible for her not to feel that she passed out? She just shook her head and continued working.

It tired her, but didn't give up. There were three plots she needed to plant with different vegetables. She rested for a while and went back to work. She tried to forget the dream that persistently played in her head.

She finished planting at half-past eight. The breakfast that Ed brought gone cold, so she planned to get into Hasher's grove after this.

Back in Novalia. By the time Hash came back, she was not there anymore. He was so disappointed that he lost his temper.


Not five seconds gone by and his meal has arrived, but it's all bread and fruits and no protein. He threw it on the servant's face.

"Meat!" No one understood that a reserve, easy-mannered prince was acting like this today. Although he was like this to his own men, but not to others.

"Prepare my bath!" All his facial muscles folds.

Everyone scram and prepared what he asked in a minute. The prince might bite their heads off.

"Y-your highness roast beef and potatoes."

It was a female attendant. His people knew he didn't show his temper in front of women.

"Bring the food and coffee in my office and set an appointment to see my father,"

Perhaps it's how the nuns from the orphanage taught him to treat women with respect.

"Yes, your majesty." Then she left.

Hash still can't get over that girl. He didn't even get her name and if she's from Borres. If she will not be the crowned princess, she'll have a runner-up position.

He liked her a lot. Her nonchalant attitude had him attracted to her. He was sure she was still in the camp, otherwise how could she get into his camp.

He called back to his assistant.

"Have you already sent the request to my father?" He said in a calmer tone.

"Not yet, my prince, I apologize" Although his father's palace is twenty thousand miles away from his camp, his assistant still has to apologize.

"Fine, delay the request and look for the first pageant contestant that was sent to me last night." He pretended to say it casually.

Oh, so that was what his majesty is angry about. The crowned prince was terrifying when not gotten laid.

In Raven's Cove, Ed appeared in front of her hut.

"I'm sorry I'm the one assisting you today. Sonia and Alex were busy with staff meetings," Ed said with a shy smile.

"I'm happy you're my guide today," she answered back. He blushed, but his smile got wider. He didn't talk, just carefully drove the cart to the grove.

"Can you accompany me to the grove today?" If her date with Hash didn't get through, at least she got a make-believe date with Ed today.

"I'll be glad to," he happily answered.

"Where are you originally from?" Based on her obeservation, he looked too white to be Asian, unlike Alex and Sonia.

"Oh, my parents were missionaries, and they decide to live in Borres," He explained while they were walking along the Asian wisterias.

"So, I grew up here, although my family is originally from Santa Barbara, California," He continued,

"Can you speak, Borrean?" He turned to ask her.

Isabel laughed and responded:

"Unlike you, I'm the opposite. I grew up in Erots. I can understand, but I speak little."

They both laughed at the irony of their situation.

"Do the staff get a vacation?" They're now on the warmer relationship, so she thinks it's safe to ask such a question.

"Uhuh." He nodded while peeling the frozen mango pop for her.

"There are several options"

He slurped one mango pop, then resumed.

"We can have a two-month vacation leave to visit our families all expenses paid."

"There's also this option," He made a goofy grin.

"That I chose last year, travel to any country you wish for a couple of weeks, all expenses paid"

He seemed to reminisce about the time he was travelling.

"Or you can bring anyone else here to the resort with free transportation and allowance"

Because why not? The Island was a paradise.

"But I thought no one can get into this place unless you're a staff or dying like me?" She pried.

"That's true, but our family will going to have a privacy agreement any violation will cause termination of employment"

"That's reasonable." She said, slurped on her frozen mango.

"How about you, didn't you have time to sign that surviving-no-matter-how, Policy?," Something in Isabel's ear rang upon hearing the words.

"No, I did not. Has anyone of the patient I originally went with, sign with that policy?" She asked casually, in case she's not supposed to know that.

"Not that I know of. If you change your mind, let me know so I can help you arrange the agreement." Ed grins like he was relieved or something.

"Can I still change my mind, though?" As if she knew about it already.

"Definitely!" Ed excitedly ate some of the frozen watermelon handed to him by the attending guy.

"Okay, but will they still going to fulfill my bucket list even if I sign the policy?" What if she couldn't make it and wasn't able to fulfill her wishes?

"Of course, what if they failed and you won't be able to fulfill your wishes?" Exactly what she was thinking.

"Look, I'll give you a sample of the policy tonight. You can review it and call me or Alex so we can set it up for you."

It seemed like it's too good to be true. Did it have a catch? That was the big question mark. She had to see the policy first. If it's something like taking away her kidneys to donate or her experiment with her body part, that's just totally fine.