Conquering Byzen the great

Everyone considered Byzen an empire, they're the first to discover weapons, sharp tools to hunt, and they also had the advanced technology for irrigation in their era.

Plus, their human resources for manufacturing were great. Not that he would need their technology, but because he needed manpower for his future inventions. Hash was mulling over. Would he invade Byzen now? Or would he wait until his refugees were ready?

He knew he could take over Byzen now, but he may damage the City, but if he could use the refugees' knowledge about the City, its structures, and its people. If he could make its king surrender and be just the governor of Byzen as a province of Novalia, he could save some effort. But what if the king would recruit more men?

They're not as skilled as his men were, but they could overpower his trained assassins. The powerful and rich countries could also hire soldiers or ask for help from another kingdom.

While Hash was pondering to attack Byzen or not. In Hasher's Grove, Isabel didn't know that she could laugh hard like this, she was totally drunk, her face flushed, her t-shirt wet and her hair was dripping with her sweat, she's not conscious of her situation, all she knew was she was having so much fun.

"Hey, George! It's time for you to join the fun put back my phone inside my bag, and come dance with me!" She turned around to let George put her phone inside her backpack, then pulled him into the center to dance. She lost count of how much beer and cocktails she consumed.

"This is awesome!" While she's in the middle of her fun, she felt like throwing up. The bathroom was in the far corner near the beachside. She did not excuse herself but run towards the bathroom. But she didn't even reach the bathroom, threw up beside it.

"Ew! I feel and smell disgusting." She grumbled to herself.

"But this is too awesome! Woohoo!" She yelled. Then went inside the bathroom to wash her face.

"Hey, Isabel, are you okay?" She could hear George calling her outside.

She wanted to answer, but it's a little difficult for her to do that right now.

She wanted a shower. Since she was in a difficult situation, she ignored George's calls. She took all her clothes off.

Ohh, there's a bathtub? Cool...

She just jumped right in and felt the warm water in it. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the situation she's in.

Hash was ready to take a bath, but he felt alerted when he saw a clatter of clothes and a backpack in his tent. The backpack was all too familiar, it's one of those that are used by the youths in the twentieth century.

He followed the direction of the clatter, and it's in his bathtub, observed a bit.

He peeked into the textile that covers his bathroom and saw a long black curtain of hair hanging in his wooden portable bath.

It's a woman! He leaned on one of the sturdy pillars of his tent and observe the woman in his bath. She has creamy white skin and was glittering with his own formulated liquid bath soaps.

"Uhmm George?! I think I'm drowning. I'm too drunk to get up. Can you call Alex or Sonia for me, please? I can't let you come in. I'm totally naked!" She shouted.

George, Alex, and Sonia. Those names were just too twenty-first century-ish. He came closer, held her hand, and pulled her up.

"Where have you been and why are you here in Byzen?" He asked when she's totally up. Her head was completely flustered. But she saw a familiar body again, half-naked. She grinned widely.

"Hash! Looks like you only appear when I'm drunk." She ran and plunge into his body.

She forgot that she was naked. But Hash placed a hand on her head and stopped her.

"Tell me where have you been and how did you get in Byzen?" Now Hash was aware that they speak in modern-day English.

"I've been to Raven's Cove, and I got here because I am drunk." And she laughed hard. She removed his hand from her head and hugged his waist.

"Hmm, as usual, you smelled too good." She inhaled his scent and then fell asleep. He can't help but grin at this girl's attitude.

She was not aware that she was crossing worlds when she was drunk. She had an extraordinary ability, but he doubts if she knew it.

"Bring me extra clothes and tell the men to change the water of my tub." He called in a servant.

He wiped her dry and brought her to his sleeping mattress. She may be his key on how to travel back and forth on both worlds. He may not be interested in going back right now.

But he has to keep her by his side and never allow her to disappear again. His men obeyed his order and instantly brought him extra clothes and changed the water of his tub.

He put her clothes on first. Tried to gather all his sense of control not to take her while she's all drunk.

He took a bath in a hurry and joined her in bed. She was too small for a grown-up woman.

"Shit! Could you be underage? You better not" He grabbed his braided hair in disbelief. But groped her boobs, it's too big for a teenager, she can't be underage, he thought. Kissed her neck, it's too smooth and supple that he couldn't stop himself and gave her a hickey.

He even ended up relieving himself beside her. She's just too charming. He was out of breath when done. Couldn't believe he had done it to a sleeping girl.

She stirred and sniffed, and then her hand crawled on his chest. She even voluntarily moved and used his chest as her pillow.

She placed her palm on his chest and squeezed his nipples. Naughty girl. He chuckled.

"Are you pretending to sleep while taking advantage of me?" He asked.

She chuckled while her eyes closed and then nodded. Moves closer and squeezed herself further. Shortly, she bit his arm. All Hash can do was grunt, so his men won't get suspicious.

"You little wench! Prepare for punishment." He caught her lips and stirred it open. He interlocks her tongue to his. She moaned in response.

Hash wanted to do her right now. But stopped himself.

"Go sleep and don't move anymore." He ordered her.

He encircled her body with his and then tried summoning sleep. Tired from the battle, but this girl's body was making him stressed out.