Lady Gwin's punishment

"He wants my firecrackers?" She voiced out her thoughts. Even Hash's men don't understand the secret code the two have.

"Why?" Her brows crinkled. Hash didn't specify it in his note.

"The Byzens are attacking the City." One man answered.

She was more baffled. Are they going to scare the enemy with her firecrackers? She laughed out loud, holding her stomach.

"Somebody bring me a paper and ink." She ordered. Quickly, someone handed her what she asked.

Then she wrote Hash a note that says: Are you really going to scare the enemies away with a firecracker?

Very short, with a laughing emoji drawing on it. She asked them to hand it to Hash and led them to the firecracker leftover still wildly laughed.

She brought the men to her workshop, which has plenty of urinal pots and powdered charcoals.

It also had rotten leaves and hay that looked like poop in the soldiers' eyes. In one of the soldier's head, the prince and the princess were really an odd couple. They were thinking of the kind of kink these oddballs are doing.

"What do you think are these?" The assassin asked his comrade, pinching the bag in between his fingers.

"No idea, shit bombs, maybe." his comrade answered while shaking his head.

"URGH!" they both muttered in disgust.

Isabel was thinking of the comedy her firecrackers would do on the battlefield. She giggled all the way to the house, but her mood changed when she saw the servants bringing things into the house. She recognized Lady Gwin's bronze lamp.

She inhaled deeply and released her breath all at once.

"Hey! Tim. What's going on?" She smiled gently at a servant kid that looks cute, maybe in his teens.

"Princess, Lady Gwin is making us put her things in one of the rooms." He said, looking worried.

"Okay, thank you. Now put it aside and help me pull that table in the middle of the hall." She pointed at the beautiful piece of art that looked like a table.

No one bothered them, so they painstakingly brought it to the center.

Tim saw the princess struggling to get to the top of the table, so he hurriedly assisted her.

"Everyone!" she yelled. She modulated her voice, echoing all over the house.

"Ahem." She cleared her throat so they can hear her loud and clear.

"Attention Prince Hashim's wives! Please come to the entrance hall immediately." Since the house was so big, the acoustic was great that the sound bounced back on its walls.

It's impossible not to hear her. So wife number three up to ten are rushing to the center.

"Perfect! Now all of you noble ladies will have rewards. You can have a room each and can have two servants of your own." Isabel was not even sure if it's a reward. Some of these ladies brought their own servants.

One noble lady raised her hand.

"Princess, my name is Shar from Catals." She introduced herself while curtsying. She has flawless skin, she had an arrogant straight nose, she could be middle eastern.

"Can I ask your highness permission to build my house somewhere near the Prince's Manor?" She continued explaining. Her voice was so tiny, and she looked only seventeen. She said she had a lot of things and brought her own servants.

"You look pretty! Of course, you can build your own house. However, the prince's manor will not finance it." She said and smiled sweetly at the girl.

"Why?" She got puzzled why she didn't have the privilege she may be a pampered princess from where she's from.

"Because myself didn't have that privilege either." She answered sarcastically, but still had a smile on her face.

"Okay! Aside from Lady Shar, who else wants to build their own houses?" No one spoke anymore.

"Do you have any more questions, suggestions, or violent reactions?" The silence was deafening.

"Great!" She clapped her hands as if they're at a play rehearsal.

"Now go, pick a room. No fighting." She's done with her speech, but no Lady Gwin and Mau appeared.

"Attention, all servants! To the entrance hall now!" All servants flee from where they were, into the entrance hall. Isabel didn't expect they're too many and they're crowding in the hall. She only needed the housekeepers, though, so she awkwardly sent back the others to their respective duties.

"Lo, can you summon Lady Gwin and Mau for me, please?"

"Everyone, from now on, you only receive orders from the prince and me. Each lady will have their own servers." She inhaled and catch her breath then continued instructing them.

"So you have no obligation to follow major instructions without the prince or my permission."

Shit! She's enjoying this too much.

"You summoned me, princess?" Lady Gwin's voice was cool and sexy.

She bowed down her head, looking somber like they have already executed her.

"Your highness." Lady Mau curtsied and then looks at Lady Gwin, puzzled but followed her actions. Lady Mau is so pretty she exudes femininity that men usually like.

"You both know why you're here, right?" Oh gosh! So this is what her grandma was doing. She was power tripping. Her grandma is a badass.

"Since you disobeyed the rules, both of you can't have your own rooms." She felt the height between her and the other ladies.

"What do you mean I can't have my own room?" Lady Gwin violently asked.

"You mean, you can't understand Novalian?" She's not a sarcastic person, but her grandma was.

"Your highness, I'm sorry. I thought it's okay to bring my things in. I just followed Lady Gwin." Lady Mau said, voice nervous.

"Yep! I understand. So as a punishment for not following rules, two of you can share a room. And Lady Gwin's belongings will still stay outside the house."

She declared and struggled at going down from the table. Tim and Lo rush to help her.

"But what am I going to use?" Lady Gwin still looked gloomy and angry.

"Does this house lack anything that you need?"

Isabel points to the gigantic door then said:

"If you're unsatisfied to be the wife of the Prince."