His last name wasn't made up

Liz's hands and knees trembled, even if her body was just an illusion. She couldn't stop being nervous.

"As I told you, our family had been the keeper of secrets. Since our family moved to Borres, we just knew that this Island had secrets."

Hash listened to her intently.

"This Island was owned by your father's family for generations as a vacation Island."

That explained how wealthy Mr. Raven was, he's ancestors were kings. The word father was strange in his ears, but he let Liz talk and refrain himself from asking questions.

"I had worked as a part-time staff of the resort, but at night I was studying the Island's mechanism."

Liz couldn't help getting closer and touched Hash's face, while tears rolled down to her cheeks.

"I've met your father, and we fell in love."

She held his hands and squeezed them, wanting to hug him in her arms that she wasn't able to do in over thirty years.