The council

"I thought this woman was lame. Who knows, she had real powers?"

Liz chuckled while mocking the lady who owns the body she's using.

"See the stone's shadows? it's in all four directions, meaning it's fixed to only four locations. The cove is in the north obviously, Novalia is in the West, this place is the south, and the east was unknown territory. I don't know what's in there except that cave of treasures I left for you."

Hash thought it's interesting even the toddler listen to Helen or Liz.

"Does that mean, aside from all four fixed directions, there are other places that we can go to?"

He thought of the possibility of going into the future.

"Exactly, but the problem is, they're unknown places. Unlike Novalia, and this place that has permanent markers."

"So what happens during the full moon?"

Helen wasn't able to explain that part much.