She want to break down but there's no time

Hasher knocked on their cabin door very hard.

"Hash! wake up."

She didn't bring any watch, so it's hard to tell the time. But the sun was already up.

"Son, you have to go! The council is coming over here, it's about Isabel."

Hash's face became stern. He puts on his clothes in a hurry.

"The chopper was already waiting outside. You can go. I'll deal with them."

Hash dragged her away without even saying goodbye to her parents again. It was like déjà vu.

"Where's Hugh?"

She got used to seeing him in the past week.

"He'll be fine with me and Liz for now."

They were in the chopper, going back to New York. Isabel cried.

"Shhs. I'm here, we will be back, it's going to be okay."

She kept on sobbing. Maybe it's her anxiety creeping over her body. 

"We will get through this. I promise."