"Carson, I want you to tell Rocco what SWOT means."

Carson walked in front of the lot.

"In this team, we follow SWOT. Every war we've been into, we identify our strengths the factors that we are confident about that can nail the enemy right away. We also do not forget our weakness, as you can see there are only a few of us compare to the enemies' army."

He paused and allow Rocco to see how many they actually were. Compared to the army he bought.

"That will always be our weakness. That's why our master kept recruiting men who will train extensively."

"Yeah, extensive means almost died training."

One in the crowd commented, and everyone laughed.

"He's right, no one actually died, but almost, anyway now that we're facing another threat, we would like to dissect the enemy down to its basic component- "

Carson was not done speaking when Hash interrupted him.