Hell hath no fury of a woman's scorn

"Isabel, we need to bring him home for a while. You're okay running a country, will you?"

That's the most ridiculous thing she ever heard in her entire life. Novalia only made sense if Hash is in there.

"I don't think I could. It would divide my heart and mind between my son and to my husband."

Liz held her cheeks.

"Hash is fine, sweetheart. He had too much stress, and he needed to get away for a while."

She didn't believe that. It would even stress Hash without her and Hugh.

"No mother, send us the equipment and I'll take it from here. I don't think I could do anything if I'm not seeing him near me."

Hasher frowned and made an irritated sound.

"What you wanted is impractical. Do you think I will allow my son to die? I saved many people's lives. I definitely will treat my son."